Saturday, August 20, 2011

~~What to do~~

For some strange reason...I have been thinking alot about what some people don't get to do when they die. It is a really sad thing to think about, and I try not to think about it to much! So I have been thinking about what I wanted to do before I die! I have had many great ideas & it was a hard decision, but I believe that the ONE thing I want to do before I walk along the beach with the one I Love and then watch the sunset and fireworks together on The Fourth Of July! I think it would be so romantic! I dont care how long I have to wait for that to happen. I believe that most people ((well girls anyways)) would agree with me that it would be soo cute! :) Like I know that it might not happen..but i have faith that if I find the right guy..that he would take me on a road trip to California and take me to the beach, just to make that come true for me! :) I think that would be the most amazing thing to happen to me in my LIFE!!! & I'm positive that I will NEVER forget that moment! So whatever you want to do befrore you have to have faith that it can happen and you need to believe that there is someone out there who will help you accomplish it & change your life! <3

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What are the chances??....

Everyone has a opinion, decision, thought, action or reaction and ,depending on the situation, whatever you think, decide to do, say, or how you react to something can change your life for the better or for the worse. You can also change another persons life by those actions or reactions. Most people dont want to believe it, but it is definitely true! You dont really see it all the time, but eventually you will see the effects of everything you do. It's weird how the smallest decision can make the biggest impact on your life..There is this little voice in the back of your head, it tells you all the things that might happen if didnt and the concequences you could possibly have if you do decide to do it, say it, or react to whatever it know, its on of those kind of things! Like if I get invited to go somewhere and I decide not to go...I always think about what i would have experienced if i did go and what memories i would have taken back from going! So I guess what I'm trying to say is live life to the fullest and make the decisions based on what makes you happy and not by what others make you think is best for you.You hafta learn the Lesson In Life by making choices, giving your opinion, or acting or reacting against a subject...& weather or not that is what you really wanted in the end! :)

Friday, July 22, 2011

•••Speak your mind•••

Everybody has an opinion! Whether it is right or wrong! Some people don't really agree with another persons opinion, but they learn to deal with it! Everyone thinks that their opinion is right....and that's kinda true, some are more right than others, but then again, you never really know! People always judge other people by how they look at things! && I don't think it's right! I mean, I admit, when someone dissagrees with me, I get pretty frustrated wth them! But later on, I realize that it was their opinion and they are allowed to voice it! I am not gonna be the one to try and stop them! With everyone's very different opinions, there are going to be some dissagrements, but everyone has some kind of logic and explination as to why they feel that way about a certain subject! My attention has been brought to this very recently at work! We all get along, but if two people start to dissagrees about an issue, there are always other people who agree with either one opinion or the other! It usually ends pretty quickly, but it makes me think about how your own opinion can make people judge you by the way you look at things! I guess you'll just hafta learn this Lesson In Life by understanding that everyone has the right to speak their mind and voice their opinion!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

All The Little Things~~

All the little things in my life make it so much more enjoyable::

~ I love falling asleep & then waking up with a blanket over me.
* I like relaxing in a bubble bath, with candles & soft country music playing.
~ I love waving at strangers & gettin' a wave and a smile back (makes me think "I just made their day")
* I like to sit on the tailgate of a Chevy going on a back-road in the woods.
~ I love to walk barefoot on the fresh spring grass.
* I believe that I am never to old to watch cartoons.
~ I love to light candles just to watch them burn.
* I like to watch little kids running around care-free & laughing (makes me think about when I have kids)
~ I love to watch the headlights from cars coming down Luna mountain at night.
* I love to walk on a trail & see the sun shining thru the branches of the tall pine trees.
~ I like to watch the road pass by in the rear-view mirror.
* I like to open my window at night & listen to the calming sounds coming from the nighttime darkness.
~ I like to look at the stars & watch the flashing lights of planes flying slowly over me.
* I love to watch the sky turn from that pretty blue to a fiery red color, to a flashy pink * slowly fade off into calming darkness.
~ I spend time sitting on my swing in the front yard...just to think,
* I sometimes take a walk around the neighborhood to just forget about stuff, if only for a little while.
~ I love to put my hand out the window as i'm flyin' down the highway.
* I like to kick off my shoes & just chill in bed when I don't feel like doin' anythin'.
~ I like to eat ice cold popsicles on a hot, sunny day.
* I love to watch all the trees turn different colors & pile up the leaves...just to lay in them.
~ I like listenin' to songs that remind me of great times or good friends.
* I like to watch the rain trickle slowly down the windows.
~ I love to ride around in the truck with the windows rolled down & the music up loud.
* I love to listen to the thunder, lightening, & rain hittin the tin roof as I fall asleep.
~ I like wrapping myself in the 'just-out-of-the-dryer' warm blankets (no matter how hot it is).
* I love humming to myself when no one is listening.
~ I like to write messages in the steam or dust on mirrors & windows.
&&  * Sometimes, I fall asleep thinking about a special someone..... <3

Soooo......yeah! That is my list of 'All the little things'. You have your own little list of things that make you happy, & it is a Lesson In Life to learn what makes your list sooo special.........!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thoughts running wild... :)

You know that rush you feel when you think about a certain thing, action, item, or person? Or you have this one special feeling about that certain thing that makes you wanna smile! :) & you never really know how it does it to you, but it always happens when you think about it! It gives you a sense of well-being & serenity that it just makes you happy all over! You just don't know how to control it or you just don't even want it to stop! It gives you butterflies, goose-bumps, makes you feel weak-in-the-knees, makes your heat skip a beat, & usually takes your breath away!! It makes people feel needed, wanted, loved, thought-of, cared for && much, much MORE!! Afterwards, you will have the memory of how it made you feel & how it changed you life, forever! Once you ever experience this feeling about ANYTHING......just know that I told you about the effects & what it does to you short-term && long-term! :) Just don't say I didn't warn you.....  :D

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

[[Waiting for "it" to happen....whatever "it" is]]

You know that thought, in the very back of your mind..? or better yet, that little voice in your head that says "I wish it would happen to me already...."...? Well...if you do, or if you don't needa either figure out a way to convince the voice that it will happen eventually....or just tell it to shut up!! You know you can't listen to it the whole time or it will drive you insane with all the thoughts & dreams that it will shove into you subconscious mind!! Sooner or later you will be able to either ignore it, or just block it out completely! But occasionally, the voice will slip past that little barrier that you put up for it && tell you "You know you still want it to happen..right?"! There is usually no way to avoid the issue! No matter what you want to happen to you & no matter how hard you try to deny that you want it to happen.....there is that voice...there reminding you about it everyday!! Whether it is getting a job, getting lucky, or just finding Love, all of us humans have that desire for something to happen to us! But I guess we'll all hafta find out what "it" is eventually!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

We all have Dreams....some are just Closer than others!!! :)

Well, we all do have dreams.....I'm pretty sure you already know that, but I just wanted to remind you! :)
Anyways....I believe that whether your dream is big or small, it is very important to you!! & some people are closer to their dreams than they think! Many of them don't want to believe they can achieve it, yet when they do, they are like "Dang....that was fast." But others aren't that lucky! It takes them a lot more effort and a lot more time to achieve that dream! & they wonder WHAT IT FEELS LIKE to reach their dream and also WHO IS THERE BESIDE THEM when it all comes true!! :) I think about this a lot! Like who would be there supporting me along the way and how they would be a major impact on whatever I decided to do in my life!! & like how it would be when I finally reached my dream of being a Marine Biologist!, but i guess I'll just have to learn this Lesson In Life as time goes by!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

....sometimes...... just feel EVERYTHING and NOTHING all at once. know A LOT, but you also know so LITTLE. RECEIVE one option, yet you WANTED other option so much more.'ll find yourself SMILING while MISSING someone at the same time. can absolutely LOVE a person, all the while wanting to HATE them.

Life comes without guarentees,
Except that smiling will brighten your face,
Laughing will enhance you eyes,
And falling in love will change you LIFE!!

Everything I Want To Say ((but from a girls prospective)) :)

I love you this big -Scotty McCreery!!
Look it up && read the lyrics!
Pretty much covers about everything! (well....almost)
<3 this song is AMAZING!! <3
Nuff Said!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

&& Nothing Lasts Forever!!

 It's funny how much you miss something when you don't have it anymore, you know? I believe that if you let something (or someone) slip away, you will miss it (or them,) even if you didn't want to, yet it happens all the time. Sometimes, I think about when I was little, && I really miss the games I would play with my grandparents and the places we would go! We used to do a lot of fun stuff, but now, as they are getting older, they don't want to do all that stuff anymore!! && I really miss that!! You sometimes wonder "When did this all change?" or "When did all those good times stop coming?" I guess where I'm going with this post is, Cherish  Every Moment You Have Because Eventually, You Won't Have Them Anymore! <---- This is sad to say, but you know it's true!! I mean yeah, you'll still have the memories of what was, but you will never get to re-live them! But you are the only one who can teach yourself this Lesson In Life!!
I Hope You Learn It Well!!! <3
hrck <3

Friday, May 27, 2011


Changes happen all the time, whether you like it or not. I guess it kinda depends on the situation. I believe that most changes happen for the better, yet there are those changes that make you say "Dang, I wish it was still like that!". You really wish you could change it back or make sure it didn't change at all, but we don't have those superpowers just yet! Right here, right now, we have to deal with whatever hand life wants to deal us! && this is not just a short game of "Go-Fish" either! You don't always get the chance at changing things to make sure they change for the better! I really wish it was true, but it 'aint that simple, trust me! You will have to learn this Lesson In Life over time and be patient, for as the changes that you go through in life were determined by Fate and in the end, you always end up where Fate was pushing you to go the whole time!!
Good Luck!! :)
hrck <3

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

[[ all the while, Fate knows what it's doing ]]

Well for the past day or two, I have been trying to expand my mind by reading. I began reading this book called "Something Like Fate" by Susane Colasanti. I believe it is a very good book and I recomend it to anyone who likes kind-of girly romances! I really loved some of the quotes she used in her book! I feel that she is an amazing writer! This book kind-of describes what fate does to people and how one little tiny thing could change your life forever! Fate plans things out the you may think "How is this susposed to help me in my situation at all?", yet in the end, it always works out! Fate usually decides what you are going to do with your life, how you will persue your dreams and who is going to be standing by your side encouraging you and believing that you will go far with your dreams! This book is mostly about the "Who will my soul mate be?" question. I guess that no matter how much you want to deny that fate or destiny exhists, maybe your totally wrong and it is just working on you right now! It may take time for you to notice that all things that happen that maybe (just maybe) they were all just a part of this big grand scheme of things that will make your life how fate wants it to be! Whether good things or bad things happen to you, they are all happening to you for a reason!....but you are the only one who can make yourself believe it!! I strongly believe that fate and destiny exhist! If most of the things that happened to me, didn't happen, I wouldn't be where i am today with the people who mean the world to me!! So I guess the rest of you are just gonna have to eventually learn that Lesson In Life by yourself!!
Good Luck! :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

......Horrible in General.... :(

Well, so far this day has been very sad. All the hallways are so empty and quiet! There are no Justin Bieber posters, Spongebob bracelets, Happy Birthday posters, or participant ribbons on the lockers! All of the the  lockers are just clean and empty! There are no hilarious jokes, guys just messing around, the laughter of the senior class down the hallways, and just nothing really exciting happening at all! I'm just so used to seeing all of the seniors walking down too their classes and sitting in their usual spots!!! This is just horrible in general. This is probably the hardest day I have ever had to face! I have some really close and amazing friends that are graduating. I just don't think that it's fair!! But I would like to thank all of you Seniors for making my life so much better and a whole lot more interesting!! :) It's been fun!

<3 Love You And Good Luck!! <3


Monday, May 16, 2011

*closer* -----><------

It's getting closer
closer--->to the leaving and packing
closer--->to the "goodbyes" or the "see you laters"
closer--->to the last period and the final bell of the day
closer--->to the empty hallways and the closed lockers
closer--->to the sunny days and the shady trees
closer--->to the sunscreen and the hats
closer--->to the beach balls and the shovels
closer--->to the swimsuits and the towels
closer--->to the rolled down windows and the blasting music
closer--->to the shorts and the shades
closer--->to the sand and the waves
closer--->to the trucks in the woods and the feet out the window
closer--->to the swings and a good book
****closer------> to------> S U M M E R ! ! ! ! ! !

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

**Life Goes on!!! ---->

---> Life is too <-->(short) 
Grudges are a waste of perfect Happiness :)
Laugh when you can (: hahahaha :)
***apologize when you should
&& let go of what you can't change
<3 Love deeply and forgive quickly! <3
take chances and give EVERYTHING!!
&& have NO regrets!

Life is too *short* to be unhappy! :(
~~~You have to take the good with the bad!~~~
:) smile when you're sad :)
Love what you got! <3
...And always remember what you had....
^^Always forgive, but NEVER forget!^^
<Learn from your mistakes>
.......but never regret........
but always remember***------------->

Life Goes On

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

^^Live It Up^^

Well....I'm not really sure where this post is going, but i guess I'll know when it gets there! Well you know that situation that you sometimes get where you have the option to do something, but yet you're not sure if you should pursue it? Yeah...well my thoughts on this situation is to just go for it!! You never know if that opportunity will come around again or if it ever will. And trust me on this never want to regret not taking that chance after you finally realize that you were just being scared or ignorant! Don't just let it pass you by!! My awesome example of this situation is if you were sitting at a bus stop,and this bus comes and stops and it says on the front "going to Paradise", don't just let it sit there for a little while and then leave you behind because it was going some other way than what you had already planned!! You needa JUMP ON THAT BUS!! (that was probably the worst possible explanation for that, but I'm serious about this!!) You dont wanna regret anything!! Remember that super-duper saying "Live life with NO regrets" yeah.....this is one of those times!!! Like Nike always says.......JUST DO IT!!! ............................................I think i made my point!! :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Closest Thing To Magic---->***

For some reason, I have had a lot of thoughts about love and affection and how they each play a special role in our daily lives! I still am trying to figure out how much effect that love has on a person's life! If you walk down the street, you see all these couples walking, holding hands! Whether they are young lovers who don't know anything yet or life long partners who are old and experienced! Hand-holding is the smallest gesture of love that we could give to each other, but what does it all REALLY mean? I think I am a little too young to understand all of these wonders of life, but you go on and ask the older couples and they have the wisdom and that allknowingness to know why love is such a big part of life. It has so much impact on the way people act and how they live their lives. Most people try to keep a hold on what love they have because it is definitely the closest thing we have to magic!! I can see why people try so hard to keep it and have love in their lives! It is starting to make a little more sense to me now that I am getting older, but I guess we will just have to learn this Lesson In Life as we get that experience and the allknowingness!!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

!!A-Thousand Words!!

They say that "A picture is worth a thousand words" and I definitely agree with that. Most of my favorite memories are captured in photos in two (or three) old photo albums in my closet. But what about all of the songs and poems? Don't they mean anything? Well....of course they do!!! I have read many poems that mean the WORLD to me!! I love how songs and poems have so many emotions and so much power! I love how they can create emotions that you yourself can't even BEGIN to understand! It's kinda like magic or something! I definitely think that songs and poems have their our "Special Powers." I think music has so much impact on people, sometimes it's not even funny! Poems and Music can (in a weird way) change someone's life, by making it either better or worse (depends on how you look at it). Music and poems can give you so much inspiration and the drive to so something or say something that you normally wouldn't do! It's kinda AMAZING if you ask me! So, yeah......."A picture is worth a thousand words".......but in my opinion, i think Music and Poems are a little more extravagant than that! :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

~~~Differences && Similarities~~~

I come from a very small school! It is really small, yet we are (for the most part) more like a family! In bigger schools, you hardly even know all the kids in your class. I think that most schools are still alike in most ways! We still have the cliques that other schools do...but I've noticed that in those cliques, many of the people are, in some ways different, but yet they are also similar to the people that they associate with. In our school, we have the usual cliques, the jocks, the cheerleaders, the outsiders, the smart ones, the volleyball and b-ball girls, and the (not so much jocks, but still play sports and video-games) table. I think that our school is a little better at handling the cliques. Most people don't mind talking to other people who have different interests. Yeah.....there are still rumors, still people judging other people, still confrontations, and still some fights. After being here for over 8 years, I have figured out that not everyone can please every person that they meet. I'm pretty sure that no one was born to please anyone but themselves. I just think that everyone needs to stop judging people for the clothes that they wear, what their interests are, how they voice their opinions, and who they hang out with and talk to. I really LOVE that saying "Never Judge A Book By It's Cover". I think that more people need to live by this rule.....and it's no ones choice but your own to learn this Lesson in Life.....the sooner the better!!!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

-----> Magic Markers and Secret Paper**

Yesterday, my blog asked me a question and it was like, "What kind of magical spells could you cast with a magic marker.". This question made me think about how much easier my life would be if all my problems were written down on my secret paper, and then just magically disappeared, like they were never there. It would make many of the situations that I have been through much easier to handle and cope with. I think that many people would want one of those special markers to just get all of their problems, worries, horrible thoughts, and sad feelings out onto this one piece of paper, then the paper just holds it secretly and securely and never shows anyone! (Personally I think that one of those invisible markers would work a whole lot better!) I use to have this special notebook that had an invisible marker and this special paper! After I wrote in it, about ten seconds later, it would be "gone", but this notebook had a special light, and when you turned it on, you would be able to see the massage that you had just wrote! It was amazing! I wish that my life was just one of those big notebooks, where all your problems would be written down and never bee seen again and i wouldn't have to worry about them all the time. But I guess that everyone has their own way of really dealing with their problems. I'm one o f those people who don't really like telling people my problems, because I think that they have enough of their own to deal with and i don't wanna tie them down with mine. I'm not really sure where I was going with this post, but I guess I'll just have to learn this Lesson in Life on my own!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


There are many choices that you have in your life and you'll have to learn to deal with the consequences of those certain choices for the rest of your life. Many of those choices, you later regret, but sometimes there is that one choice that you had, that you look back on and think "I'm glad i chose that". i bet that a lot of people think about that at least once in your life, and you either regret it, or you're glad it happened. Certain choices that you have, may be hard to make, and may make you think that you're kinda stuck between a rock and a wall, but after you make them, they either make it a little easier, or a little harder. i think that choices are just a part of life and trying to evade them or put them off for later, just makes it harder to make that decision. Some people that i know think that it is easier for them to make that decision after they have waited to make them! i  guess it is just one of those lessons in life that you have to learn and deal with.

Monday, February 14, 2011

That special person

You know that feeling that you get, when you don't know where to turn and you just feel lost and defenseless against the world. Well, I have had that feeling, but yet, there is always that one person who makes you feel like you belong somewhere and you are safe in their arms. Sometimes it takes a while to find them, but once you do, it is a pretty amazing thing. You know that interesting feeling that you get when you are with that certain person and you can tell that they feel the exact same way. You don't really want to ask them about it, yet you know it's there. Whether you are a boy or a girl, this sort of thing happens more than you think. Many guys are to afraid to admit that it happens, and many girls are to scared to let it happen. I guess it is one of those Lessons In Life that you have to learn eventually.