Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What are the chances??....

Everyone has a opinion, decision, thought, action or reaction and ,depending on the situation, whatever you think, decide to do, say, or how you react to something can change your life for the better or for the worse. You can also change another persons life by those actions or reactions. Most people dont want to believe it, but it is definitely true! You dont really see it all the time, but eventually you will see the effects of everything you do. It's weird how the smallest decision can make the biggest impact on your life..There is this little voice in the back of your head, it tells you all the things that might happen if didnt and the concequences you could possibly have if you do decide to do it, say it, or react to whatever it know, its on of those kind of things! Like if I get invited to go somewhere and I decide not to go...I always think about what i would have experienced if i did go and what memories i would have taken back from going! So I guess what I'm trying to say is live life to the fullest and make the decisions based on what makes you happy and not by what others make you think is best for you.You hafta learn the Lesson In Life by making choices, giving your opinion, or acting or reacting against a subject...& weather or not that is what you really wanted in the end! :)

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