Friday, July 22, 2011

•••Speak your mind•••

Everybody has an opinion! Whether it is right or wrong! Some people don't really agree with another persons opinion, but they learn to deal with it! Everyone thinks that their opinion is right....and that's kinda true, some are more right than others, but then again, you never really know! People always judge other people by how they look at things! && I don't think it's right! I mean, I admit, when someone dissagrees with me, I get pretty frustrated wth them! But later on, I realize that it was their opinion and they are allowed to voice it! I am not gonna be the one to try and stop them! With everyone's very different opinions, there are going to be some dissagrements, but everyone has some kind of logic and explination as to why they feel that way about a certain subject! My attention has been brought to this very recently at work! We all get along, but if two people start to dissagrees about an issue, there are always other people who agree with either one opinion or the other! It usually ends pretty quickly, but it makes me think about how your own opinion can make people judge you by the way you look at things! I guess you'll just hafta learn this Lesson In Life by understanding that everyone has the right to speak their mind and voice their opinion!

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