Tuesday, April 26, 2011

^^Live It Up^^

Well....I'm not really sure where this post is going, but i guess I'll know when it gets there! Well you know that situation that you sometimes get where you have the option to do something, but yet you're not sure if you should pursue it? Yeah...well my thoughts on this situation is to just go for it!! You never know if that opportunity will come around again or if it ever will. And trust me on this one......you never want to regret not taking that chance after you finally realize that you were just being scared or ignorant! Don't just let it pass you by!! My awesome example of this situation is if you were sitting at a bus stop,and this bus comes and stops and it says on the front "going to Paradise", don't just let it sit there for a little while and then leave you behind because it was going some other way than what you had already planned!! You needa JUMP ON THAT BUS!! (that was probably the worst possible explanation for that, but I'm serious about this!!) You dont wanna regret anything!! Remember that super-duper saying "Live life with NO regrets" yeah.....this is one of those times!!! Like Nike always says.......JUST DO IT!!! ............................................I think i made my point!! :)

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