Tuesday, May 24, 2011

[[ all the while, Fate knows what it's doing ]]

Well for the past day or two, I have been trying to expand my mind by reading. I began reading this book called "Something Like Fate" by Susane Colasanti. I believe it is a very good book and I recomend it to anyone who likes kind-of girly romances! I really loved some of the quotes she used in her book! I feel that she is an amazing writer! This book kind-of describes what fate does to people and how one little tiny thing could change your life forever! Fate plans things out the you may think "How is this susposed to help me in my situation at all?", yet in the end, it always works out! Fate usually decides what you are going to do with your life, how you will persue your dreams and who is going to be standing by your side encouraging you and believing that you will go far with your dreams! This book is mostly about the "Who will my soul mate be?" question. I guess that no matter how much you want to deny that fate or destiny exhists, maybe your totally wrong and it is just working on you right now! It may take time for you to notice that all things that happen that maybe (just maybe) they were all just a part of this big grand scheme of things that will make your life how fate wants it to be! Whether good things or bad things happen to you, they are all happening to you for a reason!....but you are the only one who can make yourself believe it!! I strongly believe that fate and destiny exhist! If most of the things that happened to me, didn't happen, I wouldn't be where i am today with the people who mean the world to me!! So I guess the rest of you are just gonna have to eventually learn that Lesson In Life by yourself!!
Good Luck! :)

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