Tuesday, June 14, 2011

[[Waiting for "it" to happen....whatever "it" is]]

You know that thought, in the very back of your mind..? or better yet, that little voice in your head that says "I wish it would happen to me already...."...? Well...if you do, or if you don't know.....you needa either figure out a way to convince the voice that it will happen eventually....or just tell it to shut up!! You know you can't listen to it the whole time or it will drive you insane with all the thoughts & dreams that it will shove into you subconscious mind!! Sooner or later you will be able to either ignore it, or just block it out completely! But occasionally, the voice will slip past that little barrier that you put up for it && tell you "You know you still want it to happen..right?"! There is usually no way to avoid the issue! No matter what you want to happen to you & no matter how hard you try to deny that you want it to happen.....there is that voice...there reminding you about it everyday!! Whether it is getting a job, getting lucky, or just finding Love, all of us humans have that desire for something to happen to us! But I guess we'll all hafta find out what "it" is eventually!!

1 comment:

  1. I really like this one, and I totally agree. I keep tell people that I want something good to happen, like, really good. They always ask me, "Like what?" and I go "I don't know. Just something really good."
