Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Trust and Honesty

So I was told to do a post about this today, because of some issues that went down, so here it is. Trust and Honesty are two very important things in life. They are definately something that each relationship should be based on. I consider these two things to be very important in my personal relationships, but both partners-in-crime need to agree that they will both be open, honest, and will be able to trust the other. Trust is a very hard thing for me, and alot of people also. I dont trust very many people unless they prove that I can trust them with anything! I try to be one of those people who other people can trust with things that are important to them! I dont tell random people things that other people have talked to me about. I just think that is just messed up. I mean, the person obviously trusted you enough to tell you, so why would you test that trust by telling someone who doesnt even need to know! That is why I have a hard time trusting people. I know people who try to get certain information from other people so they can start  rumors and twist the information around! They just want to know things about you, so that if you two ever get in a fight or something, then they have all this information to use against you. Now honesty, on the other hand, is a completely different story. Honesty is where you both are willing to talk about anything that you have a problem with. It is a good idea to have a relationship built on honesty, because there is no lying, no guessing and not as much drama. I am honest most of the time, and I try to be as honest as I can. I have a strong consious, and if I lie about something, it is constantly telling me that I lied and that I need to fix it! I also really respect people who are completely honest with me about things. People who are honest, tend to be more willing to help people out who need an honest oppinion! So that is my opinion on Trust and Honesty. I believe these are two of the many important things that you need for a good relationship, and even a good life. Much less drama this way.



  1. thank you so much for posting!!
    "why would you test that trust by telling someone who doesnt even need to know!" haha we all know the people to blame here.

  2. haha you're welcome! and yes, yes we do!!!
