Tuesday, March 13, 2012

So This Is My Blog...

So tonight, I am laying here, under all my blankets, listening to music, and looking out the window all the stars. Wishing people would understand some of the things I am going through. Some people say that I have been acting different lately. I have a perfectly good explaination for this, I really do, but for those of you who know me well enough, you know that it is easier for me to speak and express my feelings through my writing. I am a lot better at putting together words on paper or on a screen than I could ever express in words spoken through my mouth. Plus, I am too shy to say things that are important! I like to hide alot of my feelings. It's not that I am scared of telling people how I feel, it's just I dont like explaining why I feel the way I feel sometimes. I just wish there was a way for someone to be able to just look at me, and be able to tell what I am feeling and exactly what was bothering me. I am not very good at explaining things either. I always say either "I dont know" or "because"....those are usually my explainations for everything! People have told me that I need to work on being able to talk about my feelings without having to write them down. I know I need to, but then again, there are alot of ways people can express themselves. Most people are able to do this by writing music, poetry, blogs, diarys and journals. So I dissagree with the thought that we absolutely need to be able to express our feelings through spoken words. I believe that writing it out is an easier way to get it out! So this is mostly the reason why I even have a blog. Even tho there are only a few who read this. I dont like to talk about my feelings. I would rather have them just flow freely onto the paper or screen without judgement and without people asking why. On this blog that I got here..I express my deepest feelings and some of the things that I am too afraid to say in person! So this is my blog...where my feelings, wishes, dreams, opinions and thoughts are put into words for you to read! enjoy...


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