Tuesday, May 31, 2011

&& Nothing Lasts Forever!!

 It's funny how much you miss something when you don't have it anymore, you know? I believe that if you let something (or someone) slip away, you will miss it (or them,) even if you didn't want to, yet it happens all the time. Sometimes, I think about when I was little, && I really miss the games I would play with my grandparents and the places we would go! We used to do a lot of fun stuff, but now, as they are getting older, they don't want to do all that stuff anymore!! && I really miss that!! You sometimes wonder "When did this all change?" or "When did all those good times stop coming?" I guess where I'm going with this post is, Cherish  Every Moment You Have Because Eventually, You Won't Have Them Anymore! <---- This is sad to say, but you know it's true!! I mean yeah, you'll still have the memories of what was, but you will never get to re-live them! But you are the only one who can teach yourself this Lesson In Life!!
I Hope You Learn It Well!!! <3
hrck <3

Friday, May 27, 2011


Changes happen all the time, whether you like it or not. I guess it kinda depends on the situation. I believe that most changes happen for the better, yet there are those changes that make you say "Dang, I wish it was still like that!". You really wish you could change it back or make sure it didn't change at all, but we don't have those superpowers just yet! Right here, right now, we have to deal with whatever hand life wants to deal us! && this is not just a short game of "Go-Fish" either! You don't always get the chance at changing things to make sure they change for the better! I really wish it was true, but it 'aint that simple, trust me! You will have to learn this Lesson In Life over time and be patient, for as the changes that you go through in life were determined by Fate and in the end, you always end up where Fate was pushing you to go the whole time!!
Good Luck!! :)
hrck <3

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

[[ all the while, Fate knows what it's doing ]]

Well for the past day or two, I have been trying to expand my mind by reading. I began reading this book called "Something Like Fate" by Susane Colasanti. I believe it is a very good book and I recomend it to anyone who likes kind-of girly romances! I really loved some of the quotes she used in her book! I feel that she is an amazing writer! This book kind-of describes what fate does to people and how one little tiny thing could change your life forever! Fate plans things out the you may think "How is this susposed to help me in my situation at all?", yet in the end, it always works out! Fate usually decides what you are going to do with your life, how you will persue your dreams and who is going to be standing by your side encouraging you and believing that you will go far with your dreams! This book is mostly about the "Who will my soul mate be?" question. I guess that no matter how much you want to deny that fate or destiny exhists, maybe your totally wrong and it is just working on you right now! It may take time for you to notice that all things that happen that maybe (just maybe) they were all just a part of this big grand scheme of things that will make your life how fate wants it to be! Whether good things or bad things happen to you, they are all happening to you for a reason!....but you are the only one who can make yourself believe it!! I strongly believe that fate and destiny exhist! If most of the things that happened to me, didn't happen, I wouldn't be where i am today with the people who mean the world to me!! So I guess the rest of you are just gonna have to eventually learn that Lesson In Life by yourself!!
Good Luck! :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

......Horrible in General.... :(

Well, so far this day has been very sad. All the hallways are so empty and quiet! There are no Justin Bieber posters, Spongebob bracelets, Happy Birthday posters, or participant ribbons on the lockers! All of the the  lockers are just clean and empty! There are no hilarious jokes, guys just messing around, the laughter of the senior class down the hallways, and just nothing really exciting happening at all! I'm just so used to seeing all of the seniors walking down too their classes and sitting in their usual spots!!! This is just horrible in general. This is probably the hardest day I have ever had to face! I have some really close and amazing friends that are graduating. I just don't think that it's fair!! But I would like to thank all of you Seniors for making my life so much better and a whole lot more interesting!! :) It's been fun!

<3 Love You And Good Luck!! <3


Monday, May 16, 2011

*closer* -----><------

It's getting closer
closer--->to the leaving and packing
closer--->to the "goodbyes" or the "see you laters"
closer--->to the last period and the final bell of the day
closer--->to the empty hallways and the closed lockers
closer--->to the sunny days and the shady trees
closer--->to the sunscreen and the hats
closer--->to the beach balls and the shovels
closer--->to the swimsuits and the towels
closer--->to the rolled down windows and the blasting music
closer--->to the shorts and the shades
closer--->to the sand and the waves
closer--->to the trucks in the woods and the feet out the window
closer--->to the swings and a good book
****closer------> to------> S U M M E R ! ! ! ! ! !

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

**Life Goes on!!! ---->

---> Life is too <-->(short) 
Grudges are a waste of perfect Happiness :)
Laugh when you can (: hahahaha :)
***apologize when you should
&& let go of what you can't change
<3 Love deeply and forgive quickly! <3
take chances and give EVERYTHING!!
&& have NO regrets!

Life is too *short* to be unhappy! :(
~~~You have to take the good with the bad!~~~
:) smile when you're sad :)
Love what you got! <3
...And always remember what you had....
^^Always forgive, but NEVER forget!^^
<Learn from your mistakes>
.......but never regret........
but always remember***------------->

Life Goes On