Saturday, October 13, 2012

Words can hurt...

I just watched a couple of movies that really spoke out to me. Cyberbu//y and The Fat Boy Chronicles. These movies definitely make you think about how you may treat others or how others treat you. People get called names, get pushed around, teased and made fun of, yet no one ever tries to really do anything about it. People get judged by the way the dress, talk, look and the way they do things. Rumors are a huge factor in bullying and teasing as well. Girls are mostly the main cause of rumors but there are guys that do the exact same thing. Girls call eachother whores, skanks, cunts, easy, fake, b*****s and hoes because of the way they dress, or if they hang out with alot of guys. Guys call eachother gay, faggots, homos,  and queers by their sexuality or how they dress and talk. All of this is not just going on at school or in person. This is starting to become very common online, on social-networking sites like facebook and twitter. The phrase "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me" is the biggest lie anyone has ever told. How many times have you been called a name and it hurt your feelings in one way or another? I have been called all the above, and it truely hurts. It makes a person feel worthless and unwanted when someone calls them a name like that. They may not like to show how much it hurts, and how much it affect them. They dont want people to know that they have a weakness. Eventually it all builds up. All the emotion, all the pain, all the fear of not being good enough. It all comes out in one big heap of emotion. Words can hurt. If it is online or in person, it doesnt matter. It happens to everyone, in one form or another, yet no one says anything about it. No one wants to be the one who stands up and says that this is wrong. I believe that if a person feels that it is wrong, they should voice their opinion about it and not just stay silent in the background. One person standing up to another that bullies and harasses is all it takes. It takes one person to create a wave of inspiration to do the right thing. Most people have the instinct to do the right thing and say something, they just need the inspiration, the support, the example to get them going. One day, things will change for better or for worse. A lot of people say its just going to get worse from here......I am willing to challenge that...

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