Saturday, May 26, 2012

[[Wanna Be Loved For Who I Am...Not What I Look Like]

I am more than what my face or my body depicts. I wish some guys could see past those aspects of me. I want people to see who I really am. I need a guy who understans everything that I have been through and done, and who doesn't see me as anything less than who I am. I need to be told that I am good enough. I feel as if some guys only care about my appearance, attributes and features. I want someone who is able to see underneath all of that. I have alot of flaws, I mean who doesn't?, but I just wish I could have someone who sees past every single one of them and doesnt think anything less of me. What is on the inside matters alot, what someone looks like on the outside is just a bonus. I have been loved because of my body or my looks, and I didnt like it. I have been wanted for things because of my body and it makes me feel used. I want to be loved more for who I am as a person. I dont believe that looks should matter as much as everyone says they do. I dont love others for what they look like, I love for what I see in them. I get told that I am cute, hot, pretty, beautiful and gorgeous...but all that doesnt matter to me...because if they tell me that, they are only looking at the surface of who I am. I just want to be loved for who I am, not what I look like.


  1. I'd much rather be called 'amazing' than 'beautiful.' Or if I'm called beautiful, I want them to be looking at me.

  2. I hate when people say, "Ugh why do you like him?! He's not even attractive" or "Look at her. What does he see in that?" Those couples are stronger because normal because they like eachother for reasons they can see. When you love someone, they /do/ become beautiful even if only to you. And yeahhh Bry.

  3. yeah, exactly!!! i agree completely with both of you!!
