Tuesday, May 15, 2012

"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced"

Some things in life go by way to fast. People leave and things change. A very wise and close friend told me "...it's hard to let go of people...and there must be a reason". Things are meant to change..even people are meant to change, whether we like it, or not. Its just life's way of teaching us how to move on. I am the kind of person that doesn't like change very much...expecially sudden change. I have learned that I have no control over what changes and what does not, and neither does anyone else out there. Some changes are good and for the better...others are hard to deal with and seem like they shouldn't have changed at all. A lot of things have been twisted around and messed with in my life. Friendships, trust, family and anyting else in between. Things have happend to me in my life that I really wish didnt happen, and all of my feelings and perspective towards those events have changed as my views have changed. As it is getting close to graduation and the end of my junior year...i realize that it is going to be extreamly different as a senior in high school. I will have more responsibilities and more expectations, and that is because of everything that I have done to get to this point..I changed my future by pushing myself and changing things to get where I am now. So I guess my point is that, some change is good, some...not so much, but is still needed.We learn this lesson in life through our own experiences and all the different changes that we went through ourselves!


  1. weird...I just was just having this conversation with someone. I love you man!

  2. haha that is weird! & i love you too man!!
