Thursday, March 31, 2011

!!A-Thousand Words!!

They say that "A picture is worth a thousand words" and I definitely agree with that. Most of my favorite memories are captured in photos in two (or three) old photo albums in my closet. But what about all of the songs and poems? Don't they mean anything? Well....of course they do!!! I have read many poems that mean the WORLD to me!! I love how songs and poems have so many emotions and so much power! I love how they can create emotions that you yourself can't even BEGIN to understand! It's kinda like magic or something! I definitely think that songs and poems have their our "Special Powers." I think music has so much impact on people, sometimes it's not even funny! Poems and Music can (in a weird way) change someone's life, by making it either better or worse (depends on how you look at it). Music and poems can give you so much inspiration and the drive to so something or say something that you normally wouldn't do! It's kinda AMAZING if you ask me! So, yeah......."A picture is worth a thousand words".......but in my opinion, i think Music and Poems are a little more extravagant than that! :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

~~~Differences && Similarities~~~

I come from a very small school! It is really small, yet we are (for the most part) more like a family! In bigger schools, you hardly even know all the kids in your class. I think that most schools are still alike in most ways! We still have the cliques that other schools do...but I've noticed that in those cliques, many of the people are, in some ways different, but yet they are also similar to the people that they associate with. In our school, we have the usual cliques, the jocks, the cheerleaders, the outsiders, the smart ones, the volleyball and b-ball girls, and the (not so much jocks, but still play sports and video-games) table. I think that our school is a little better at handling the cliques. Most people don't mind talking to other people who have different interests. Yeah.....there are still rumors, still people judging other people, still confrontations, and still some fights. After being here for over 8 years, I have figured out that not everyone can please every person that they meet. I'm pretty sure that no one was born to please anyone but themselves. I just think that everyone needs to stop judging people for the clothes that they wear, what their interests are, how they voice their opinions, and who they hang out with and talk to. I really LOVE that saying "Never Judge A Book By It's Cover". I think that more people need to live by this rule.....and it's no ones choice but your own to learn this Lesson in Life.....the sooner the better!!!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

-----> Magic Markers and Secret Paper**

Yesterday, my blog asked me a question and it was like, "What kind of magical spells could you cast with a magic marker.". This question made me think about how much easier my life would be if all my problems were written down on my secret paper, and then just magically disappeared, like they were never there. It would make many of the situations that I have been through much easier to handle and cope with. I think that many people would want one of those special markers to just get all of their problems, worries, horrible thoughts, and sad feelings out onto this one piece of paper, then the paper just holds it secretly and securely and never shows anyone! (Personally I think that one of those invisible markers would work a whole lot better!) I use to have this special notebook that had an invisible marker and this special paper! After I wrote in it, about ten seconds later, it would be "gone", but this notebook had a special light, and when you turned it on, you would be able to see the massage that you had just wrote! It was amazing! I wish that my life was just one of those big notebooks, where all your problems would be written down and never bee seen again and i wouldn't have to worry about them all the time. But I guess that everyone has their own way of really dealing with their problems. I'm one o f those people who don't really like telling people my problems, because I think that they have enough of their own to deal with and i don't wanna tie them down with mine. I'm not really sure where I was going with this post, but I guess I'll just have to learn this Lesson in Life on my own!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


There are many choices that you have in your life and you'll have to learn to deal with the consequences of those certain choices for the rest of your life. Many of those choices, you later regret, but sometimes there is that one choice that you had, that you look back on and think "I'm glad i chose that". i bet that a lot of people think about that at least once in your life, and you either regret it, or you're glad it happened. Certain choices that you have, may be hard to make, and may make you think that you're kinda stuck between a rock and a wall, but after you make them, they either make it a little easier, or a little harder. i think that choices are just a part of life and trying to evade them or put them off for later, just makes it harder to make that decision. Some people that i know think that it is easier for them to make that decision after they have waited to make them! i  guess it is just one of those lessons in life that you have to learn and deal with.