Thursday, December 12, 2013

Finals: Made to turn every college student into a zombie and procrastinator

So I have almost completely finished my first semester of college here at Adams State University. I have made so many great friends and had some interesting experiences here. The very first day that I actually left Reserve, I practically cried almost the whole way up here. Don't get me wrong, I was really excited to get to go to college at ASU, but I guess what it came down to was, I was just scared. I knew that everything was changing and it scared me a lot. I love the way it used to be. Being in a place where everyone knows you, what you are doing and what car you drive. It is so different actually going to a school where I only know Tyler. Everyone looks at me like I am some sort of outsider. Like I don't belong here. That alone, makes me miss Reserve that much more. I miss walking down the hall between classes or after school in Jake's and I personally know everyone that I run into. ASU was completely scary when I first got here. Me and Tyler mostly just kept to ourselves. I eventually started coming out of my shell, and Tyler kind of started as well. We went to our first 18 and over bar and we had a blast with a few new friends that we met and got to know very well. After that first night, I started getting out more and doing other things that involved other students. I would try so hard to get Tyler to do stuff with me, but she just didn't really feel into it. I became extremely excited about this whole college thing when I became a cheerleader for ASU. It completely made my life and it started getting me recognized around campus. People started saying hello to me and recognizing me from the games and other events. I even ended up on the front cover of the San Luis Valley Newspaper doing a cartwheel during the homecoming parade. I absolutely love cheering and sometimes I have to catch myself before I accidentally yell out "Go Mountaineers!!" or "Come on Reserve". It is very hard to transition from Mountaineers to Grizzlies and from RHS to ASU. Well anyways, I love being a college cheerleader and it honestly makes being a college student less stressful. I have also joined a Black Belt Salsa class that I have been attending since the beginning of the semester. I met a lot of great people and I absolutely love to salsa now that I know how to do it. Not to mention, I met one of the most amazing, funny, charming, handsome, nicest, attractive guy in that class also. His name is Oscar and he totally makes my life. We officially met during salsa class, but I've seen him around campus and he totally caught my eye. The day we actually started talking was when we both signed up to be salsa apprentices. He helped me sign up and get registered. After that, we started hanging out more and more. He started just coming over to sleep in my bed with me at night and then he would leave the next morning to go to his classes. We would stay up till about three in the morning, getting to know each other and telling each other about our childhoods and lives before college. We turned out having a lot in common and we started developing stronger feelings towards each other. We started hanging out more and getting closer and he finally asked me to be his girlfriend in the beginning part of October. He treats me so good and I really hope that I do the same for him. Anyways back to the college stuff. This is the last week of my fall semester. Finals are kicking my butt and I can't wait for them to be over. They are complete torture and I believe that each and every college student would completely agree with me when I say that finals could very well be the death of me. So as I attempt to pull and all nighter to study, I decided that I wanted to take a break and share my experience on my blog for you guys. Hope all my college friends are smarter than me and studied and payed attention in class. Goodnight and for now, I am not yet a zombie.....ask me about it in about two or three hours....