Sunday, April 29, 2012

"To give everything, is to have nothing left".

 We usually have to give it our all to get very far in life! I have now realized that!! If you want something bad enough, it shouldn't be very hard to give everything for it! You need to put your whole heart into it, to get something out of it! Some people dont have to give everything, to get what they want to be happy, but they will never know the feeling of actually using everything you have to get that! It really does make all the difference. When someone tells you that you cant do something, you turn around and tell then "watch me". It is a great feeling when you prove to someone that you can do what they never thought you could! When you are behind in a race, you have to make it your job to catch the person in front of you, because that means that you want more than you already have! It means that you have the strength and determination to give more than you tought you had! Even if you are far behind and you are tired, keep trying to catche that person. Once you think you have given everything, and are waiting to crash down, try to give more....because over half the time, you have more to give than you think! The last thing I want to say in this post is, Never Give Up... It is really hard to beat a person who never gives up! Even when you feel like you can't go on or can't do something, keep trying to get up or keep trying to do it...eventually, everyone finds the strength to do what they have always wanted to accomplish! When all those people in the stands are cheering for you, it feels so good! It makes you feel like they are proud of you! But you will never have that feeling if you dont just give it your all! So just go for it! If you leave everything you had out there, no one can tell you that you didn't do your best!